High Throughput Toxicity Assay
High Throughput Toxicity Assay
By Bevin P. EnglewardMIT SRP Program Director
Sep 14, 2021
Cell survival assays are routine in many life science laboratories, yet direct measurements of cell growth are rarely performed due to the fact that the gold standard colony forming assay is slow and laborious. A novel adaptation to the traditional colony forming assay was developed by Postdoc Lizzie Ngo of the Engelward and Samson laboratories. Whereas the typical colony forming assay requires many large cell culture dishes, Dr. Ngo’s rapid assay fits into a 96-well plate format, enabling higher throughput direct testing of the ability of cells to divide. This technology was highlighted in the AAAS EurekAlert, MIT News, and as an NIEHS Environmental Factor Paper of the Month. In addition, Dr. Ngo’s excellent work was highlighted in a Trainee Spotlight in the April edition of SRP e-Posted Notes.